Four of our billboard advertising trucks drove through San Diego during Comic-Con, joining the landscape of the United States’ largest convention for comics – and now movies and video games, too – and the fourth largest in the world.

Over four days, the event commemorates comics’ contribution to history and culture throughout the years. Being held every year since 1970, it has stood the test of time as one of the most important and renown comic events in the world, with an ever-increasing following, gathering comic-buffs from all over the world, and reaching attendance figures that have surpassed 200,000 fans.
Lionsgate, one of the best-known and largest production companies in the world, wanted to introduce the audience to the trailer of its movie “Scary Stories”. Lionsgate partnered with LED TRUCK digital billboards to make this happen because they knew that our trucks’ screens would call attention to everyone who saw it passing through, regardless of how they reached the event’s venue: be it driving or by trolley, train or bus.
The movie trailer, presented on the mobile advertising truck, highlighted the best scenes that could be watched later on during the official movie premiere. At the same time, it acted as a teaser, generating curiosity and expectations amongst the attendees of the event and other people passing by the San Diego Convention center in San Diego, California.
The movie, which hit movie theaters on August 9, tells the story of a group of girls who set out to discover what’s behind the mysterious deaths taking place in their town, when the stories told by Sarah, one of the girls, start to happen in real life.
The convention attracts lots of fans, and the Convention Center was the perfect place for our trucks to be. The four screens on each of our trucks definitely captured Comic-Con-goers’ attention.
The attendees can find all kinds of merchandising products for sale in the stands throughout the duration of the event. Merchandise includes everything from t-shirts and hats to collectible items that are worth up to $300.
The allure of this event has reached beyond only fans and managed to get the attention of toys and collectibles that can be purchased exclusively at the event. These products include characters from movies, comics, animated films, and videogames. They are produced by prestigious companies such as Hasbro, Mattel, Sideshow Collectibles, and NECA.
Some of the activities held during the event include seminars and workshops given by professionals in the field, award ceremonies, exhibitions, as well as the famous masquerade where attendees compete for the best costume. Besides, there’s always plenty of premieres and many guest artists. For example, the actors of the renowned series Breaking Bad celebrated the tenth anniversary of the series during Comic-Con 2018.
Comic-Con contributes approximately $162 million to the San Diego, California tourism industry each year. The price of admission to the event ranges from $22 to $63 for adults and the same for juniors.